Sinnah Meov

Living Dead Girl


Alias: "Stray"
Race: Miqo'te [Mixed Keeper/Seeker]
Apparent Age: Young Adolescent [Appears Around 11-12]
Height: 4 Fulms, 1 Ilm [4'1"]
Weight: 61 Pz.
Measurements: B70-W54-H68 cm.
Occupation: Adventurer | Apothecary
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon [October 31st]
Birthplace: Old Sharlayan
Residence: Itinerant
Voice Claim: Sarah Williams (As Uni)
Summary: An insane and mystifying Miqo'te kid with a penchant for dark, occult magic. Shares traits with Ashkin and possesses a dangerous adventuring reputation. May have a slight chuunibyou problem. This catte is a yangire murderhobo.


A youth, a lone adventurer, and a scholar of aberrance, Sinnah lays claim to the iconic trope of an enigmatic individual. Born to a Keeper mother and a Seeker father, the both of which being practiced magi of the black, Sinnah was destined to take up the mystical arts of aetheric manipulation; Which she prevailed at mastering through grueling and near torturous training methods employed by her mother. Come her tenth Summer of age, she set out on her own to discover the world for herself. During the years she spent wandering, she found herself facing the hardships of life while alone. There were times she starved, times she failed, and most impactful, times she was betrayed for her inexperience. These struggles, combined with the harsh way she was raised, concocted a certain madness that would affect the girl for the rest of her life.


To the public eye, Sinnah portrays an ordinary outward perception of herself. She'll brood alone, converse and laugh openly with others, and otherwise instigate antics that any young teen would. Absolute normalcy is a charade she plays, and one that sometimes slips at the flip of a gil.Beneath the surface, the prodigal catte lacks any sense of morality or guilt. She takes pride in manipulation and recklessness, often losing herself to mania whenever things don't pan out the way she intends. Paranoia, hysteria, and lunacy plague the girl's mentailty, leaving her trust hard-earned and every waking moment as fragile as stepping on glass.Sinnah is aware of and accepts her insidious ways fully. Despite the Miqo'te's insanity, she is cunning enough to maintain her facade of innocence dangerously well within city-state walls, albeit with subtle wicked inclinations. To her, these eerie hints are a game to gauge the reactions of those around her and pry into their own personality.

Combat & Consequence

Sinnah often finds herself in volatile situations which require the use of violence and magic to resolve. As combat is a theme heavily enjoyed while roleplaying (be it freeform or following established rolls), as well as the theme of horror being weaved in as well, much leniency can be taken into account towards what is allowed to happen to Sin. The girl, as a necromancer and vampiric being, is hard to kill. This means that she is receptive to more gritty and gory styles of attacks and fighting, only requiring permission for more extreme and fatal attempts. If uncertain of anything, simply ask.As a disclaimer, Sin is not immortal. There are many ways she can die, as well as severe weaknesses she struggles against.


⛧ Meovian Sorcery:

Sinnah's claim to casting takes from traditional sources of spellcraft and weaves them together with her bloodline's own practices. Most notably, this culminates in the form of destructive evocation on par with black magic, and a resourceful way to refuel the aether expunged upon such spells.While capable of channeling such disastrous magic on her own, black magic itself is often times employed by the sorceress in times of need. This is mostly the case when her own aether font has dwindled to a dangerously low reserve, enough that she must rely on the lands own ambient sources.Sinnah keeps her soul crystal, iconically referred to as a Gem of Shatotto in honor of the first Black Mage, concealed on her person at most times.

☠ Necromancy:

Sinnah's practice of necromancy is a hybrid art of ritualistic casting, debilitating incantation, and her favored style of close-quarters combat. It utilizes the corruption and decay of others' aether in conjunction with leeching the essence for herself. Strikes from her weapons or being scratched and bitten by the catte leaves behind necrotizing wounds and spreads contagion.Additionally, the reanimation of corpses, invitation of Voidsent or phantoms into available bodies, and general command of Ashkin may be employed under this caste of magic.Sinnah's mother is responsible for her introduction to Necromancy. Is it possible that there exists crystals carved from the myriad deeds of past necromancers?

⚔ Weapons Proficiency

Skilled: Magical Foci & ScythesAverage: Whips, Swords, & Knives.Poor / Cannot Handle / Will Break: Almost all other form of weaponry.

☄ The Meov Hakkero

A pride of their lineage, the Meov Hakkero serves as a unique relic iconic of the family's history of sorcery and occultism. Appearing as a wooden, hexagonal box, these foci are meticulously crafted for their individual wielder. Raw wood is inscribed with aetherially conductive ink to steady the channeling of spellcraft, and each section of the box is beset with magicite stones respective to the six elemental aspects. At the center is a black magicite stone, a focal point for magnifying the potency of magic. This center piece radiates a dark polarity to the aetherically sensitive.Use of the hakkero carries risk of crystallization to the corporeal body, as well as fizzled spells detonating upon the caster themselves.Evocation using the Meov Hakkero is addictive. Those who wield the weapon are increasingly drawn to never letting it go, even going so far as to sacrifice things they normally wouldn't to protect it. Its power tugs at the soul and poisons the mind, almost as if it possesses a will of its own.


Sinnah may be categorized as a pseudo-Ashkin; She straddles the boundary between life and death, dipping one foot in and one foot out simultaneously. On one side of the coin, this means that her corporeal body retains its senses along with a plethora of living functions, albeit at a diminished capacity. On the other, she harbors unholy traits commonly found in undead creations and is capable of suffering through circumstances that would otherwise leave vulnerable living bodies in fatal condition. To the untrained eye and aether sense, however, she appears no more than the young adolescent Miqo'te that she is.Sinnah's state of living is hereditary, the origin of which dates back to when her bloodline first began practice of occult magics in the city of Mhach. While the ancient civilization was famous for its void and black magi, the Meov lineage took to more foul approaches of dealing with the soul, Ashkin, and blood. Just before the pinnacle of the War of the Magi, when many casualties took place between the warring cities of Nym, Mhach, and Amdapor, a ritual pact was struck between a vengeful revenant and the current matriarch of the family. Thus instilled the touch of death into the very blood of all descendants, and the Ashblood were born into a dying era in Eorzea's history.Those knowledgeable of Nightkin may recognize similarities between the two types of beings, with distinct variations separating them.* Unless otherwise decided, I roleplay in-game time as my local time in regards to Sinnah's weakness and empowerment while under sunlight and moonlight.

Beneficial Impacts:

  • Dark magic directly mends bodily wounds. This includes dark polarized magical attacks from other beings.

  • Unaffected by extremely frigid temperatures. Resilient to ice aspected magic. Her body constantly harbors a chill.

  • Empowered while under direct moonlight.*

  • Less requirement for sleep, and resilient to effects which induce slumber.

  • Ingrained fearlessness.

  • Biological immortality. Sin does not age. She will exist indefinitely in her current state unless deliberately killed.

  • Resilience to infectious pathogens and poisons.

  • Resistant to the effects of narcotics and alcohol.

Harmful Impacts:

  • Gravely harmed by curative and holy magic. Cannot cast any curative or holy magic as well.

  • Has an aversion to heat and flame. Fire aspected magic poses more of a threat to her. This does not apply to flames she conjures herself.

  • Weakened while under direct sunlight.*

  • Potions and medicinal remedies effects are greatly diminished when used on her.

  • Cursed with vampiric tendencies. Must physically drain aether from living beings to survive, most notably by the consumption of flesh and blood. Ordinary food tastes bland and offers little nourishment.

  • Passively draws Voidsent as though allured to a corpse.

The Echo

Sinnah does have the Echo, though its boon is somewhat mild and heavily conditional. She may understand the meaning behind languages she is unfamiliar with, on occasion may have a second's worth of foresight, and even more rarely may resonate with another's soul. This also prevents tempering should the near impossible chance she ever runs into a primal occurs.[Sinnah having the Echo is mainly used for any type of storyline progression, and will only rarely be brought up in walk-up RP.]

Roleplay Hooks

There's endless possibility here to initiate some form of roleplay with Sin. A decent list of what would be most notable will be here, though there's sure to be many other opportunities. Some of these may change, be removed, or more may be added as the character's history is expanded.

  • A [Harrowing] Life of Adventure: Adventurous types might know of this enigmatic Miqo'te girl infamous for being the lone survivor of group exploration endeavors. Rumor has it she may practice dark magic, though this has yet to be proven outright. This hearsay is commonly regarded across Aldenard and Ilsabard.

  • The Stray: Some things are best left undisclosed, especially one's name when dealing in shady business. A certain black catte barely measuring over four fulms seems to frequent underground markets, take on wetwork jobs, and commit to various other illicit activities while using the alias "Stray". Perhaps that moniker has spread to some others dealing in similar business?

  • An Undying Companion: Domesticating a wild beast is considered ever the difficult challenge, so it might be strange that a juvenile, snow furred tiger near constantly follows Sinnah around. The critter's name is Cheat, and he is always somewhat bandaged with milky white eyes and a crooked tail. More hands on inspection might reveal some morbid details about the fluffball.

  • The Lunatic Princess: A rumor reserved primarily to Sharlayan is Sinnah's title of "Lunatic Princess". While not a true princess in any sense of the word, she received this label due to the combination of her family's mysterious wealth and her rampant, destructive behaviour throughout the city and surrounding areas when she was younger.

  • Haunted: Sinnah always seems to travel in solitude, though she is hardly ever alone. Phantoms often lurk in her shadow, watching over her and often acting on their own should she become endangered. One Ashkin in specific remains constantly at her side; a sentient wraith going by the name of "Eve".

  • Lost in the Aether: On a base level, Sinnah's aetherpool is fouled by her practice of necromancy and abnormal condition leaving her bordering life and death. This is near constantly obscured behind a substitute font of aether manifested purely to deceive others. Seasoned practitioners of magic and aetherial manipulation may notice the veil to be a bit too normal. Additionally, the Necromancer's aetherpool has drawn heavily towards an ice aspect. She always seems to be a bit chilly, but never complains about the cold no matter how frigid things get.

OOC Stuff

Home World: Balmung. I don't usually transfer to RP on other Worlds.Central (CST/CDT) player, most active in the evening and on weekends. I value content slightly over roleplay.I engage in all manner of RP, with my preferred method being story-driven and progressive along with an emphasis on darker, gory, and mature themes. Lighthearted and comedic stuff is just as fine as well. I can be quite adaptable to whatever the situation throws out. I prefer RPing in-game, as I have a tendency to drop and forget about things going on through Discord.While I personally abide as strictly to lore as I can with Sinnah, I am very lenient on what others RP. The only thing I will not engage with is Warrior of Light characters.Players, please be 18+ at the least. I simply do not wish to interact with minors. This doesn't apply to characters.I roleplay for enjoyment, to write, and to disengage from reality. If you have trouble keeping OOC separate from IC, or bring real-life ideals into a fictional setting, I advise not engaging with me. Fiction is not reality. I am not my character, nor do I support her beliefs or the actions she commits in roleplay. I don't tolerate the drama that stems from those who can't oblige by this at all.Enjoy lolis.